【Chat醫D】厭倦了和你愛的那個他做愛?心裡仍深深愛着但卻不能和他做?可能是性劇本出了問題!Sensitive Flow 性殿創辦人、性治療師、註冊社工何銘熙分享不同老夫老妻常見的處境,分享應對方法,更會展示情趣玩意,讓老夫老妻重燃激情。
00:00 - 開場
01:03 - 愛要經營
02:40 - 改寫性劇本
05:18 - 性癖好沒問題
06:34 - 探索敏感帶
07:11 - 愛之語
07:59 - 房事小貼士
10:09 - 情趣玩意
12:58 - 結尾
內容策劃及主持:陳凱筠( / )
剪接:Circle Lee
Disclaimer: The health information provided here is for educational purposes and reference only. Please consult with your doctor or other health professional to make sure this information is right for you.The English subtitle is for reference only which may not be a standardized medical term.
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